Published on April 27, 2005 By citsym nogard In Beginners
In SkinStudio when you click on New skin you get 6 selections.

Universal Skin Format (USF)
WindowBlinds (UIS2)
WindowBlinds (UIS1)
Universal FreeForm Skin (UFF) for Windows Media Player
WindowBlinds (Toolbar Icons)
WindowBlinds (Animations)

The last 3 are self explanatory, but the first 3 all appear to be the same. Obviously they aren't or there wouldn't be 3 of them.

So what's the difference?
And why select one over the other?

on Apr 27, 2005

USF is a generic skin format that can later be converted to UIS1 or UIS2.

UIS2 is the typical WindowBlinds format, which allows for all the bells and whistles.

UIS1 is a more limited WindowBlinds format, but it's more likely to play nice with older applications that don't follow the current application development standards. It's limited in the sense that left, right, and bottom window frames can only be 4px, menubars cannot be skinned, among others.

UFF is specifically for designing Windows Media Player skins. When you are done building it, or ready to test it, you simply export it to Windows Media Player format.

WindowBlinds toolbar icons and animations are often included in a UIS2 or UIS1 skins, but you can also make a skin file that only contains icons or animations. That's what these are for.

on Apr 27, 2005
USF: So by generic you mean it can be used in other skinning programs besides WindowBlinds?

UIS2 & UIS1: I understand now.

Last 3: Kind of figured that's what they are.

Thank you.
on Apr 28, 2005

Right now, USF can only be converted to UIS1, UIS2, and with the help of a couple conversion templates, to UFF. In the future it may be exportable to other skin formats.

on Apr 28, 2005
