SkinStudio version 4.5.1 build 1034
Published on April 25, 2005 By citsym nogard In SkinStudio
How do I stop SkinStudio from opening another instance of the graphics program I'm using for editing?

Example I have a skin open that I want to edit. I select PSP8 (this is the default I wanted) from the edit button. PSP 8 opens, I do what I want & save. I go back to SkinStudio & select another part to edit. But this time when I select Edit, it doesn't open the image in the now open PSP8. Instead it opens another instance of PSP8.

on Apr 25, 2005
I use PSP 8 also. I had this problem once, and as I recall, all I had to do was go to Tools > Preferences > Editing > Image Editors, and make sure Shell Open was at the top of the list. If this doesn't work, make sure PSP is indeed your default graphics program for BMP ,and TGA, and PNG files.
on Apr 25, 2005
Now I understand. Thank you.