Published on April 19, 2005 By citsym nogard In WinCustomize Talk
Since I don't have anything to offer the community as skins yet (just started learning the programs in Object Desktop), I do have textures. But I can't find anything on submitting items, other than copyright, no nudity, no hate, etc..

file type: bmp, psd, psp, jpg, png, ?
file size: kb & pixels
archive: zip, rar, none
how many: 1, 2, .., 4, 5, ?
Anything else?

I will try my very best to weed out the bad.... very bad.... & what the.... stuff.

citsym nogard

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 19, 2005

Anything/everything uploaded to the graphics section MUST be entirely your own work as the intention of the section is to freely distribute images for others to subsequently freely re-use in their own works.

Royalty/copyright free means it must be yours to relinquish...

on Apr 19, 2005
The Good, Bad & Ugly are all mine.

How about answers to the other items?

I really don't want to over do it or cause problems. I mean I prefer the original files a texture is created in & they can be quite large. But then again I have DSL & several different graphics programs. But others might not be so lucky. That's why I was looking for guidelines.

Citsym Nogard
on Apr 19, 2005

Previews in jpg [full size].

Archives in zip ... any content as long as it's not executable...and preferably no bigger than a few meg.  Not too many people are going to be interested in 10+ meg dl's....unless it's magic stuff...

on Apr 19, 2005

Thank you.

Now to search through my discs for a few usable pieces.

Citsym Nogard
on Apr 19, 2005
copyright, nudity, hate? All in a "texture?" Weeding out the "good, bad ang ugly" out of textures sounds a little odd to me, but if they're entirely your creations as stated, you could break the mold in wallpapers and make tiling wallpapers, I don't think we have a single one of those. And the ease of not having to upload diff sizes, and that the one size you need is quite small, thats always a good thing.
on Apr 19, 2005
copyright, nudity, hate? All in a "texture?"

It can be done with shading. Split your tile so each edge holds part of it & you don't see the whole thing until you actually tile it.
on Apr 19, 2005
*** hopes for a pizza tile****
on Apr 19, 2005
Homemade or trademarked?

Fully dressed or nude?
on Apr 19, 2005
dominoes pizza with no box
on Apr 19, 2005
on Apr 19, 2005
Cable Car pizza preferably ..hand tossed ....wth is this thread about anyway? I do like pizza....
on Apr 19, 2005
hand tossed

on Apr 19, 2005
on Apr 20, 2005
copyright, nudity, hate? All in a "texture?" Weeding out the "good, bad ang ugly" out of textures sounds a little odd to me,

Be thankful I couldn't find 'loverboy' He fits the bad & the ugly. I think the poor fellow got lost.

but if they're entirely your creations as stated, you could break the mold in wallpapers and make tiling wallpapers, I don't think we have a single one of those. And the ease of not having to upload diff sizes, and that the one size you need is quite small, thats always a good thing.

Most of my textures work better paired with something else.
on Apr 20, 2005
It can be done with shading. Split your tile so each edge holds part of it & you don't see the whole thing until you actually tile it.

Yeah it can, but I'm the new kid on the block. I need to behave myself, at least for a little while.
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